新闻 & 事件


提名征集——埃里克·M. Hampton Award for Exceptional Contributions to the Indiana State University Culture of Assessment

The University Assessment Council invites nominations of faculty for the Eric M. Hampton Award for Exceptional Contributions to the ISU Culture of Assessment.

这个奖项是为了纪念我们尊敬的同事. 埃里克·汉普顿, and his contributions to building and enriching a positive and engaged culture of student learning 评估 among the faculty of Indiana State University. Dr. 汉普顿担任大学评估委员会主席, in addition to serving multiple terms on the Council representing the 贝赫教育学院. In his work as Professor in the 部门 of Applied Clinical and Educational Sciences, Dr. 汉普顿因其在统计学方面的专长而备受推崇, 评估, 以及教育研究和评估, and was regularly called upon to mentor students and faculty alike in their 评估 efforts. Dr. Hampton was a constant champion for recognizing the efforts of faculty conducting meaningful 评估 and using evidence to inform strategies to improve student learning. Dr. Hampton’s spirit continues to influence the work of faculty and the University Assessment Council, and this award has been established to honor his commitment by recognizing faculty who carry on his legacy of contributing to a positive culture of 评估 at Indiana State University.

The Hampton Award recipient will be honored by the University Assessment Council each spring semester, 并将获得1美元的奖金,000英镑(应税)和一块牌匾,以表彰他的成就.


  • 任何级别的教员, inclusive of professors and instructors of full and part time designations, 有资格获提名. The activities described in the nomination should be central to the nominee’s faculty role and/or activities.

A nomination letter or letters can be submitted to the Awards Committee via Shelley Arvin at 雪莱 Self-nominations are welcome and should include at least one letter of support from a colleague. The letter(s) should detail the nominee’s contributions to a positive culture of 评估 at Indiana State University. Positive 评估 culture may be broadly interpreted as any combination of the following, 虽然这不是一个详尽的清单:

  • 鼓励教师参与有意义的评估活动. These are activities intentionally designed to help faculty answer questions they have about student learning, 成功, 订婚, 等. They can be designed to address specific factors influencing student outcomes, or they can be more broadly designed to gain insights into student outcomes in order to better pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Encouraging improvement of 评估 activities to produce high quality data for understanding student outcomes and answering faculty questions. 这也可以包括通过创新来改进评估, 开发更有效的实践, 利用技术, 等等.......
  • 在评估活动中包括多个涉众, as well as widely sharing 评估 findings and engaging others in conversations around the meaning of findings and how to use them to inform practice.
  • Increasing 评估 capacity among the faculty through developing positive perceptions and attitudes, 了解评估的使用和实践, 评估技能的能力建设, 解释, 和使用, 并告知教员最佳实践, 趋势, 以及评估领域的创新.
  • 让教师参与使用数据来影响学生的学习成绩, 包括对一段时间内数据趋势的比较.
  • 承认和庆祝教师参与评估, 支持教师参与评估服务, such as on University Assessment Council or college/department-based 评估 committees.

Nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee of the University Assessment Council. 提交提名的最后一天是3月15日星期五下午4:30. 联系 Shelley Arvin, Chair of the University Assessment Council, with any questions at 雪莱 我们感谢您对您同事出色工作的认可!


Spring Semester Office Hours in the 教师 Center for Teaching Excellence

Dr. 凯利Woods-Johnson, 评估和项目效率主任, will hold drop-in office hours in the 教师 Center for Teaching Excellence again this spring semester. Hours include Tuesdays from 8:30am-9:30am and Wednesdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm. 会议也可根据您的要求预约. 



年度学生成绩评估 & 成功报告已经根据教师的反馈进行了更新. The new process is intended to give faculty more flexibility in discussing and documenting 评估 results to better support continuous improvement efforts.

The new process includes a rolling deadline for submission to better accommodate busy faculty schedules. 教师 should check with their Associate Dean and/or college-based Assessment Coordinator for submission instructions and any internal deadlines that may apply.

  • 提前投稿:2022年9月1日
  • 常规截止日期:2022年10月15日
  • 最终截止日期:2022年11月23日

The SOAS Report format was streamlined and also features a new option to report in narrative form if that is better suited to faculty discussion 和使用 of 评估 in a given program

部门 Chairs received updated information and templates this summer to share with faculty responsible for submitting reports. 如果有任何问题,请联系凯利·伍兹·约翰逊 凯利


Assessment Books Added to the 教师 Center for Teaching Excellence 图书馆!

卡里沃的《连点》, Suskie的《学生学习评估》, 证据时代的教师发展, Sorcinellie, 奥斯丁, & 瑞瓦德, & The Analytics Revolution in Higher Education by Gagliardi, Parnell, & Carpenter-Hubin

The 教师 Center for Teaching Excellence in 坎宁安纪念图书馆 has an entire library of resources for faculty to use.  评估 & 认证 Office is pleased to add these four titles to the FCTE library to support faculty in developing their 评估 understanding and practice.  Some even have templates and worksheets to help you think through and design your 评估 practices.  请在FCTE中查看它们!

  • Connecting the Dots: Developing Student Learning Outcomes and Outcomes-Based Assessments by Ronald S. Carriveau
  • 评估学生学习:常识指南第三版. 作者:琳达·苏斯基
  • 教师 Development in the Age of Evidence: Current Practices, Future Implications by Andrea L. Mary Deane Sorcinelli, Ann E. 奥斯汀和杰奎琳·K. 瑞瓦德
  • 高等教育中的分析革命:大数据, 组织学习, 《电子游戏试玩》由Jonathan S. Gagliardi, Amelia Parnell和Julia Carpenter-Hubin